Saturday, 20 December 2008

day 6 of the hunt.



MichaelTalkz said... click on the hidden relm link....

Anonymous said...

Dang it I was to late oh well I'm gona guess anyway MY BLOG :). Oh congratz Cp.
-Funk on

Chobots is AWESOME said...

cp funkeys gets a funk point but you are not aloud to use your own roco!

FFM said...

what are the funk points for?

Anonymous said...

Oh that kinda helps... kinda

Onewa80 said...

Umm, I haven't been here for a while. Why is there a picture of Angus there?


Onewa80 said...

My own blog. I have pics of him EVERYWHERE!

Ubfunkeys, Bionicle an stuff.


Chobots is AWESOME said...

ffm look on my comments on my blog one one of them it says what they are for ok.

onewa80 i will give you a funk point for having angus in the post.

funk king said...

I like your blog can your blog can you follow mine it is