Wednesday, 24 December 2008

funk points

now i have a ranking system called funk points.

5=name in colour
20=name in bold
37=name in italics
67=name with a points underneath will say orange rank
77=saying pink rank
100=saying gold rank
198=saying black rank
205=says supreme funkey lover
500=name like this #fghkdf#
509=name like this ~ggbggh~
609=funkey resister
max 1000 points=fav funkey on the chart with name like this +ghf+

get hunting


Click Replay said...

Um what happened to my point remeber I knocked off Sammy?
-Luck out

Anonymous said...

Um like if your colored then you become a 20 funk point person do you stay colored and then become bold or just bold and no more color:(?

Chobots is AWESOME said...

have colour and bold but when you get to italics bold goes